Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Greg Niemeyer+ Chris Chafe

An animation showing the levels of CO2 over the course of a day at a conference the artist attended. Greg studied classics and photography in Switzerland and he is now a digital artist. He wants to enhance human experience through his use of technology in his works. I don't like his photography i think it looks pretty amateur in comparison to his digital works. He likes to juxtapose the concepts of technology and nature.see video of CO2 levels here

I have been looking at this a bit through fractals and divine proportion occurring in nature, maths found in nature etc and mathematical properties of nature. If possible i would like to juxtapose concepts of mathematical equations modeling nature and naturally occurring phenomena. Looking at the chaos theory (which i know i very limited amount about), i find the concept intriguing that in theory an equation could be made to predict the weather, it makes me think that there must be an equation for everything, that everything can be pre-determined like fate.
He works a lot in collaboration with Chris Chafe, who uses the computer to aide and enhance his musical performances.
Greg Niemeyer has done research for new sound synthesis based on physics models of mechanics in musical instruments.
I would like to use some element of physics in my work, something to do with light or sound waves and exploring their properties through an interactive installation.

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