Tuesday, March 18, 2008


The image above was made using the chaoscope program. It doesn't render very nicely but you get an idea of what can be achieved with it. I like the random appearance of the strange attractors and the fact that they were made using a mathematical formula. Spanish Artist Elena Asins uses this approach with her work to create.... She is a pioneer in applying structuralism and computing to art. KA PAI.

Chaos has a sensitive dependence on initial conditions. It's found in flowing water, the stock market, celestial orbits, coastlines, weather...almost anything that's difficult to predict. What these systems have in common is that in order to know what will happen in the future, we need to know everything about the present with absolute precision.

Chaos is everywhere in nature, but it was a surprising discovery that it also appears in simple systems of equations . You can read a very mathematical definition here

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