Monday, April 7, 2008

Atheistic world view

We're ultimately as purposeless as the very process which brought us into existence. Life's just an accident and so are you.

You can find short term reasons for living like you're here because your parents wanted to have children, etc., but ultimately you're just an accident and so are your parents. Life is one big accident.

You serve no purpose, you'll cause no lasting effect, and in the grand scheme of things your life is utterly meaningless. Without a Creator in the beginning, there was nobody around to put you here on purpose which means you aren't here for a reason.

It's that simple.

Our worth is ultimately subjective. You might think you're worth something but someone else might think you're worthless, and as long as there's no transcendent Assessor to have the final say, no one's ultimately right or wrong.

You don't actually have a right to live; you just prefer not to die. Someone else on the other hand might want to kill you regardless of how you feel about it, and who is to say that they're wrong? In the absence of absolute morality, power reigns supreme; the strong survive and the weak get exploited.

1 comment:

OpenMindedFreakOut said...

"You don't actually have a right to live; you just prefer not to die. In the absence of absolute morality, power reigns supreme; the strong survive and the weak get exploited."

very powerful words right there. but i couldnt agree more. you do have some very interesting things to read :)